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In 2021, amidst the unprecedented challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, I started hosting monthly online Butoh workshops with the hope of creating a space where anyone could easily experience Butoh from the comfort of their home. However, due to changing circumstances, I have decided to bring this chapter to a close with this final session.

I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to everyone who joined and shared the world of Butoh with me. Your enthusiasm, energy, and presence—even through the screen—have been a tremendous source of encouragement and an unforgettable experience for me. Thank you so much for your support.

While the format of monthly online workshops will come to an end, my exploration of Butoh as an art form will continue. I look forward to meeting you again through future performances and creations. Updates on my activities will be shared regularly, so please stay tuned.
Thank you once again for your incredible support over the years!








【Online】Emiko Agatsuma Butoh Workshop

“Find invisible dance in your body”
In this  workshop, I introduce the philosophy and background of Butoh by moving your body together. It focuses on your inside and explores the connection between your body and mind. This workshop is for beginners.

*For beginners
*These are independent classes and different contents.
*Via Google meet
*It is conducted in English and Japanese.


【Thanks! Private lesson is Full☆not accepting now】Private lesson is available. Please tell me what day is the best for you. (8,000 yen 4 times 4 hours


■ Fee ■
1,500 yen / 1 class
Payment:Credit card or PayPal
*We'll let you know the link on the confirmation mail.


■ What is Butoh?
Butoh dance is a post-war avant-garde movement in Japan that emerged as a reaction against Western styles of dance. Unlike dances that focus on developing the body's movements, Butoh seeks beauty even in a debilitated body, emphasizing the connection between the body and the subconscious for a more profound exploration of the human condition through body dialogue. Butoh dancers imagine their bodies as empty bags, and convey a sense of introspection by accepting their inner selves and not only positive but also negative emotions. This unique approach to dance has established Butoh body philosophy and attracted attention globally.


<After this workshop...>
・You can learn how to move your body based on the Butoh basic training.
・You can learn the background of the Butoh movements and how to connect the mind and body by using imagination.


<How AGAXART teach?>
AGAXART instructs and explains with images delicately, and it helps your understanding.
Through the use of Butoh dance as a medium, AGAXART aims to bring awareness to elements that may have been forgotten or overlooked, and to look at an individual's inner life and experiences from a different perspective.


<Why register?>
・You become relaxed and accept anything about you both consciously and unconsciously.
・This workshop helps you to brush up your sense of body, and it will boost your creativity.
・You can learn Asian physical methods that are different from Western ones.
・Even beginners can learn the Butoh basic training and enjoy it anywhere.

■What is Butoh?

Butoh was born in Japan in the 1960s. As the reaction against the imported modern dance, Butoh dancers focused on their body and mind influenced by rural culture. This attitude established a unique body philosophy and Butoh keeps attracting people all over the world.

AGAXART is an art collective that aims to enhance people's creativity through the exploration of the body, mind, and soul. It organizes and manages workshops, performances, and events. With the body manipulation techniques of Butoh as its main focus, AGAXART provides a place to face the inner world, which is difficult to express through language, and to discover diverse forms of expression. The group actively engages in exchanges with different cultures and promotes interest in local resources.

Representative of AGAXART, Butoh dancer, choreographer, and director
A graduate of Waseda University, Emiko Agatsuma was a member of Dairakudakan, a butoh dance troupe, and in 2020 founded AGAXART. She was invited to represent Asia at the 39th Battery Dance Festival in New York in 2020. She has managed HOKUSAI MANGA BUTOH based on Tokyo down town area and presented "Hokusai Manga Butoh" in 2022 and "Dancing SENTO" in 2023.

【オンライン】我妻恵美子 舞踏ワークショップ



*Google meetで行われます。詳細はご予約確認のメールにてお伝えします。



■ 料金 ■
1,500円 / 回

■ 舞踏とは?


■ 我妻恵美子 Emiko AGATSUMA
早稲田大学を卒業と同時に舞踏集団・大駱駝艦に所属。2020年に独立し舞踏を中心とした舞台・イベントを手掛けるAGAXARTを設立。2015年第46回舞踊批評家協会新人賞を受賞。2020年台北国際芸術村の滞在芸術家として選出、同年第39回 Battery Dance Festival(ニューヨーク)よりアジア代表として招聘。すみだの風土を踊る北斎漫画舞踏を企画し、2022年「北斎漫画の墨の囁き、街の響き」、2023年「おどる湯」発表。

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